Best Handcrafted Small Batch Wines and Low Yield Winery

Discover the Exquisite Flavors of Casa Locé—Ojai's Premier Handcrafted Wines and Low-Yield Spirits


Ever wondered what makes Casa Locé so special? Well, here's the inside scoop. This spot in Ojai, which is renowned for offering handcrafted wines and low-yield spirits, is a haven for taste enthusiasts. Every grape at Casa Locé is meticulously picked and blended to create a symphony of floral, citrus, and berry notes. Each sip you take tells a fascinating story of Ojai's rich agricultural past.

Now, let's talk about their spirits. You just can't overlook these rare, low-yield creations. They represent the pinnacle of distilling mastery, made possible only through the careful selection and use of scarce ingredients.

But Casa Locé is not just about wines and spirits. There's so much more to experience! Guided vineyard tours, immersive tastings, unforgettable feasts, and interactions with artisans await you. Every visit promises a culinary education without equality.

So, are you ready for a sensory journey through Casa Locé? Because your adventure is just beginning!

Key Takeaways

  1. Casa Locé offers unique wines and low-yield spirits, crafted meticulously using local ingredients and innovative techniques.
  2. The winery emphasizes farm-to-table offerings, with menus changing seasonally for freshness and to highlight Ojai's best produce.
  3. Casa Locé's wines are fermented, blended, and matured to represent the essence of Ojai, offering a range of distinct tastes.
  4. Its low-yield spirits are crafted in limited quantities, using unique ingredients and double distillation to intensify flavors and richness.
  5. Casa Locé offers exclusive gatherings and tasting experiences where guests can interact with artisans and learn about the meticulous crafting process.

    Ojai's Hidden Gem 

    Nestled within Ojai's vibrant heart lies Casa Locé, brilliantly encapsulating local tastes in its culinary offerings. Often overlooked by visitors, this gastronomic wonder is adored by residents.

    More than just a winery, Casa Locé represents the pulse of the community. Here, innovative culinary techniques merge with local produce. Each dish narrates a tale - a chronicle of Ojai's rich agricultural history and its lively present.

    Farm-to-table isn't a mere trend at this place but an ingrained lifestyle, a pledge to highlight the region's finest offerings.

    At Casa Locé, one doesn't just eat—they undertake a flavorful expedition through its rolling hills, acquainting themselves with hidden delights. Seasonally changing menus guarantee the freshest, most delicious dishes straight out of its culinary chef’s kitchen.

    This gastronomic adventure is one not to be forgotten.

    View of exclusive wine bottles on a rustic table overlooking the sunset at the rolling hills of Ojai.

    The Art of Handcrafted Wines

    Casa Locé invites you to explore a world of handcrafted wines, where each bottle speaks volumes about Ojai's rich viticultural legacy. Winemaking here transcends simple processes; it morphs into an art form, a delicate balance of tradition meeting innovation.

    What can you expect then?

    1. Grapes are selected with meticulous care and prized for their distinct qualities and taste profiles.
    2. Fermentation is where the magic truly unfolds. Sugars in the grapes transform into alcohol, which shapes the final flavor of the wine.
    3. Blending wine is a delicate act of balance that highlights the winemaker's style, creating a harmonious mix of flavors and fragrances.
    4. Aging is where wines mature, often in oak barrels, to develop depth and complexity.

    Through this journey, you might develop a deep appreciation for the passion, expertise, and patience poured into each Casa Locé bottle. Taste goes beyond just flavor; it encapsulates the essence of Ojai, its soil, its climate, and its spirit.

    Exploring Casa Locé's Unique Wine Varieties

    Casa Locé offers an assortment of unique wine varieties, each delivering a distinct taste and experience. Novices and seasoned wine connoisseurs alike will find something to stir their senses.

    Strolling through Casa Locé's sun-drenched vine rows during vineyard tours, guests gain insight into the wine-making process. Here, detail-oriented viticulture is unveiled, showcasing how each grape range contributes to the flavor profiles.

    Guests also get to indulge in wine-tasting sessions during these tours. Here, the tasting notes of each wine diversity reveal the subtle nuances that set each glass apart. From robust reds to zesty whites, every sip narrates a tale.

    Moreover, Casa Locé's team excels in wine pairing. Guiding guests through matching wines with diverse foods, they aim to amplify the flavors of both. Passionate about curating memorable dining experiences, they look forward to welcoming you to Casa Locé for a taste adventure.

    View of freshly picked red and green grapes with glass and wine bottle overlooking the vineyard.

    Casa Locé's Low-Yield Spirits: A Rarity

    Discover Casa Locé's uncommon low-yield spirits, an enticing rarity guaranteed to spark your interest. This is no ordinary liquor; it's a scarce, alluring delight, a testament to Casa Locé's commitment to uniqueness.

    What sets these spirits apart:

    1. Limited Production: With a low-yield production, only limited quantities of these spirits are crafted each year, making every sip a rare treat.
    2. Uncommon Ingredients: Ingredients hard to come by are sourced by Casa Locé, providing their spirits with a flavor profile that stands unrivaled.
    3. Superior Quality: Each batch receives meticulous attention, ensuring the highest standards due to its small-scale production.
    4. Exclusive Wine Tasting Experience: With their scarcity, these spirits provide a tasting experience that's nothing short of exclusive. It isn't merely about enjoying a drink but relishing a piece of high-end craftsmanship.

    Crafting Process of Casa Locé Spirits

    You're about to get a sneak peek into the intricate crafting process of Casa Locé Spirits.

    We'll kick off by exploring the unique distillation techniques, then move on to the impeccable ingredient selection and, finally, the secrets behind their aging and maturation process.

    Distillation Techniques

    Diving into Casa Locé's spirit-making process requires knowing their distinctive distillation techniques, significantly impacting the resulting flavors. This establishment has indeed mastered distillation art, with a keen emphasis on time-honored methods that amplify the spirit's inherent traits.

    1. Copper Pot Still Distillation: Copper pot stills serve in the initial distillation at Casa Locé. This age-old method proves essential, as copper's interaction with the spirit helps eliminate impurities, introducing remarkable richness.
    2. Double Distillation: Casa Locé's spirits undergo distillation twice, refining them by removing undesirable elements and intensifying palatable flavors.
    3. Barrel Aging: Next, spirits mature in oak barrels, which imbue them with intricate flavors from the wood. This step gives Casa Locé's spirits their distinctive taste.
    4. Bottling: At the flavor profile's pinnacle, spirits go into bottles, assuring that consumers enjoy the best possible taste.

    Casa Locé's distillation techniques showcase their commitment to exceptional quality and respect for tradition. Each procedure symbolizes a labor of love, culminating in the superior taste of their spirits. Thus, when you savor Casa Locé's spirits, appreciate the meticulous craftsmanship infused into each bottle.

    Ingredient Selection

    Care and precision mark each ingredient selection for the spirits created at Casa Locé, promising an unparalleled explosion of flavors with every sip. Their sourcing process, meticulous, involves searching across continents for the most authentic and finest ingredients. Quality is a given; what they seek is the unique character that defines each bottle of their handcrafted spirits.

    Ingredient selection at Casa Locé is more than a task—it's an art form. Selecting ingredients that contribute to the complex flavor profiles sought is their focus.

    From aromatic juniper berries that define gin to robust grains for whiskey, or exotic botanicals infusing vodka, each choice speaks of Casa Locé's dedication to flavor and quality.

    Aging and Maturation

    Gathering perfect ingredients marks the beginning of Casa Locé's magic, which truly unfolds during maturation and aging. This vital stage predominantly shapes the spirits' flavor development and final appeal.

     Four essential elements define this process:

    1. Choosing Barrels: Every barrel, selected for its distinct character, can infuse an array of flavors ranging from sweet vanillin to spicy clove.
    2. Storage Conditions: Casa Locé maintains a careful balance of temperature and humidity in its storage areas, providing optimal conditions for slow maturation. Here, spirits acquire increased complexity and depth.
    3. Aging Duration: Spirits at Casa Locé undergo aging for a specified period. Insufficient time might lead to less intricate flavors, while an extended period might result in overpowering woodiness.
    4. Taste Tests: Regular sampling helps monitor the spirits' evolution, striving to achieve perfect harmony. It indeed is a labor of love.
    View of oak barrels in the middle of a vineyard within Casa Locé's private home.

    The Tasting Experience at Casa Locé

    Picture yourself at Casa Locé, plunging into our creative process, and savoring the exquisite flavors during our expert-led tastings. An intimate exploration of our wines and spirits awaits you, where a sensory explosion of tasting techniques will awaken your senses and diverse flavor profiles will enlighten your palate.

    Our carefully crafted tasting experience includes:

    1. Sensory Awakening: Techniques designed to heighten your senses will be introduced, enabling you to fully appreciate the subtleties of our handcrafted beverages.
    2. Flavor Excursion: A delicate balance between sweet, tart, and savory notes will be your next stop, revealing the vibrant flavor profiles of our wines and spirits.
    3. Pairing Suggestions: Expert advice on food pairings comes with your tasting session. Our team assists you in finding the perfect dish to complement each wine or spirit, making every sip even more enjoyable.
    4. Interactive learning: In the end, a deep knowledge of our artisanal process, the ingredients we utilize, and the love and expertise poured into each bottle will be your takeaway.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What does Premier mean in wines?

    In wines, "premier" is a French term that means "first." It is used as a classification of high-quality wines, particularly in the Burgundy region of France. The term "Premier Cru" is used to denote wines that come from vineyards recognized as first-rate.

    Is Premier Cru or Grand Cru better?

    Both Premier Cru and Grand Cru are high-quality wines, but Grand Cru is typically considered superior. These terms are used in the Burgundy wine region, with Grand Cru denoting the very best vineyards.

    What is the highest grade of wine?

    The highest grade of wine is often considered to be "Grand Cru," a term used in French wine classification that signifies wine produced from the best vineyards and grapes.

    What is considered top-shelf wine?

    Top-shelf wines are typically those with the highest quality and, often, the highest price. These can include Grand Cru wines from France, Super Tuscan wines from Italy, or high-quality Cabernet Sauvignons from the Napa Valley.

    What is the hardest wine to drink?

    The hardest wine to drink can vary greatly depending on an individual's taste. However, some might find very dry, tannic wines such as Nebbiolo or heavily oaked wines to be challenging.

    Is low-alcohol wine better for you?

    Low-alcohol wine can be better for you in that it contains fewer calories and less alcohol, which can have numerous health effects. However, the health benefits or drawbacks of wine depend on many factors, including how much is consumed.

    How can you tell if wine is high quality?

    High-quality wine can often be identified by its balance, complexity, and finish. It should not taste too sweet, too sour, or too bitter, and it should have a variety of flavors that unfold as you drink it.

    Can you tell a good wine by the bottom of the bottle?

    The shape of the bottom of the bottle, known as the punt, doesn't necessarily indicate the quality of the wine. Some believe that a deeper punt correlates with higher quality, but this is not a definitive rule.

    Is it bad to drink a little wine every day?

    Moderate wine consumption can have both positive and negative health effects. While some studies suggest a glass of wine a day can have heart benefits, excessive drinking can lead to numerous health issues.

    Why is low-alcohol wine so expensive?

    Low-alcohol wine can be expensive due to the special methods required to reduce the alcohol content without sacrificing flavor. This can involve more labor-intensive production processes, increasing the final cost of the wine.

    Join us for a look into our elegant approach to winemaking and gracious hospitality. We welcome our members and their guests by appointment only. Become a member or book an event by visiting

    Casa Locé
    Upper Ojai California
    10065 N Ojai Rd, Ojai, CA 93023